Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The rumour is that Lindsay Lohan has taken time out from her busy schedule of rambling mindlessly on her blackberry and sending brilliantly crafted thoughts to half of the media in the Western world, relentlessly guzzling alcohol in public, falling over and continuing to allow her parasitic social climbing mother to sponge off her - to chew ravenously on a side order of the steaming and freshly marinated meat curtains of DJ Samantha Ronson. To say it another way; apparently the Li Lo has been making oyster soup with the boyish young female DJ who likes the pink. But truthfully, good on her. Follow your nose young Li Lo to the carpet of your desire. There’s really nothing here worth actually elaborating on. Li Lo could be a lesbian, or bisexual and that’s wonderful. Similarly, she could just have really blurry vision whenever she’s out in a nightclub. The gay aesthetic for both men and women always seems to boil down to attributes only naturally found on 17 year old boys anyway so, you can’t really blame her if she didn’t know the difference. She doesn't usually seem at her sharpest when outside her house - but then, who knows what she gets up to inside, so feasibly that contributes to the whole culture of whatever this is too.[source]

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