Thursday, July 12, 2007

Maybe it’s a slow news week because the photo of Prince Charles with his hands in the position of groping a member of the military is doing the rounds everywhere.

So, he was standing there with his hand out, at breast level ready to cup them in front of a bunch of people. She was smiling as if to invite it (which, had he actually grabbed her – would almost certainly have been the best excuse for him to use). This one particular shot makes it look really criminal.

If you watch Prince Charles talk or move he always has his hands in the sort of Tyrannosaurus Rex position so that’s pretty much it. Sure, there were those rumours that he raped a butler a few years back but look, that was all cleared up and swept out with the garbage.
In short, Prince Charles did not grope that woman moments after this shot was taken. It’s safe to assume that anyway. [source]

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