Friday, February 23, 2007

Emergency Celebrity Madness

As if the neat, boyish hair didn't give it away (and it didn't actually. I always just thought she was efficient and iconically intense and that her hair reflected it), Suze Orman is a lesbian. The Real Estate tax is what gets to her at the end of the day. Unequal civil rights are so annoying!

The teary, showboating judge presiding over the Anna Nicole case has ruled that she be buried in the Bahamas next to her son, Daniel and you know what? Hugh Hefner thinks it's a good idea.

Fuck the inane apology. Tim Hardaway is a lame ass bastard who is not only morally bankrupt and stupid, he's also heading for financial bankruptcy.

Stern, controlling parents who have spoken out against Daniel Radcliff being naked on stage in Equus, coupled with the chaos surrounding amateur photos that are circulating on the net of him prompt co-star Joanna Christie to speak out in defense of his actual talent and the point of the nudity.

This image, for instance courtesy of is so clearly fake. Firstly, what is his leg actually leaning on? It seems so forced and inconsistent. Plus, this is just a publicity shot with a whole section added. Where were these prior to the production? There's no way this is real:

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