Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Us Magazine is reporting more information about how Katie Holmes is moving to New York City to do Arthur Miller’s All My Sons on Broadway primarily because it’s fascinating to keep tabs on how weird and controlling Tom Cruise gets with her and how her face and registers the exhaustion.

So, the producer has been quoted saying that Holmes isn’t a phoney and she knows how to sniff out phonies:

"Katie's not a celebrity type," Falkenstein says. "She's done brilliant work in films like Pieces of April and The Ice Storm.
"Ann starts out as a simple, sweet, average Midwesterner, and by the finale gets up the gumption to stand and confront what's wrong," he adds.
He calls Holmes "a natural sweetheart who can sniff out phonies ... Katie basically has that exact moral fiber [of her character in the play]."

I mean, what?

What the hell is WRONG with these people? I mean, do they just get the complete opposite of what is true and then run with it? Katie Holmes sure can sniff out phonies, she got contractually bound to one who needed a kid and a wife to keep his fan base happy. Yes, I suppose they’re right – she can sniff them out because that’s what she’s looking for. That’s the kind of thing she needs to keep any remnant of a career going.

I have actually sort of liked her on screen in the past – I mean, not in Dawson’s Creek. That show as so insufferably exhausting to watch. God, all these insufferably self absorbed teenagers incessantly meta-narrating everything within an inch of their lives and Katie Holmes’ character was so irritatingly insecure and weird.

Later on she was ok though. I’ve been watching Go a bit cause it’s on demand right now and she wasn’t bad at being a bored teenager. That was ok.

So, in short, everyone is a liar. Tom Cruise is a freak and Katie Holmes is a player. Jesus, this whole Tom Cruise Katie Holmes thing is so amazingly resilient. It won’t die no matter what. [source]

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