Tuesday, November 13, 2007

PLUS in further Britwreck news (because one is simply never enough) TMZ reports that Britney is now claiming that her false positive drugs test results that showed amphetamines have been in her…recently…are actually the result of taking albuterol. I take albuterol, it’s not an amphetamine and never shows up in any tests at all. Not that I’m required to take blood tests for drug use or anything but still, it just isn’t an amphetamine.

That really leads me to believe that as long as you have a retort of some kind, any kind at all, in Hollywood, you’ll be fine. So, for example, you could be asked a serious question like, “What are you doing on my private property?” and while in any other city you’d have to really address the question and answer it to avoid further action being taken, in Hollywood you could just smile and say something inane like “young lovers…” which isn’t even remotely relevant or rational sounding but it’ll still do. Because in Hollywood, any answer is fine.

Young lovers….
I just ate three high fructose corn syrup chocolate things and so everything is pretty much downhill for the rest of the day. Its crap when that happens, particularly seeing as I didn’t even really go uphill. [source]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

M: you know the "young lovers" answer would work in Hollywood!! Love it!!