Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Haven’t heard from old ex-zeitgeist Hilton for a while so it’s nice that the Hollywood Rag reports that she’s in Tokyo to shop and also to save elephants that get drunk on rice wine.

There has been a real plethora of mind numbing crap about Paris Hilton ever since forever and I’m pleased to say this is the most interesting if inane thing I’ve ever read about her. I’ve read about her getting out of a car and buying Pinkberry, eating sushi at Koi and slamming down Silver Patron shots with Brandon Davis at Winstons, that failed trip to Rwanda, her going to jail, “That’s Hot”, the time she lost her Blackberry, the time people were stealing empty cans of pet food from her garbage and selling them on ebay and I’ve also heard her talk about hair. I read all of it. The thing is, this is kind of absurdly endearing. And it couldn’t have come at a better time too because exactly how much more of this crap do we have to go through before America just votes Republican AGAIN purely because another 4 years of far right lunacy would be a walk in the park compared to continued consciousness.

If she really is doing this then it no doubt forms part of her campaign to seem like she has a sense of self and of all the things she decided to do, saving drunk elephants is what she landed on.

Let’s be fair: elephants DO actually sometimes get drunk when they’re fed alcohol. Like for instance, in Russia a couple of years ago there was a zoo keeper who thought he’d try and help an elephant get warm in the bitter cold of Moscow so he did what anyone else would do and fed the massive, fully grown pachyderm a full bucket of vodka. The elephant tore a building apart. That zookeeper really deserved the thrashing he or she got for that.

How the hell often does that actually happen though? I mean, REALLY. How often does that REALLY happen. GOD would someone just be skinnier, richer, prettier and easier than Hilton like now? [source]

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