Friday, November 30, 2007

Britney Spears is running a competition in conjunction with TRL to have a fan create a music video for her single “Piece of Me”. It’s nice that several weeks after the album has come out with Britney doing no promotion of it at all that they’re trying something.
But really, isn’t this just a way of getting a million people to make music videos that poke fun of her porcine figure, less than gourmet culinary tastes and mildly questionable parenting techniques?
Plus, will she actually sit in a room and watch them? Isn’t being aware of the way the public react to her of little importance to Mademoiselle? If it were wouldn’t she be a little cleaner? I mean, she’d probably go out and buy an apricot scrub and remove that encrusted vomit from her face before leaving the house etc. I mean, I am pretty much sure I would. There is no doubt in my mind that Madamoiselle won’t even watch these videos, she’ll just let someone choose the final two and then she’ll throw a quesadilla at the tv screen that is showing the one she likes.
But anyway – people will enter from the fly over states I’m sure and they’ll be all earnest and crap. This is going to be a vehicle for a hundred thousand Chris Crocker copycats too. Good, I’m totally hanging for this actually. Come on Arkansas, show us what you’ve got. [source]

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