Monday, November 26, 2007

Good old Tara Reid. Haven't heard from her in a long time - guess she's been swallowing the sick in public rather than risk ruining her acting career any more. Oh. Woops! She always gravitates back to the quality Reid material; puking and offending people with incoherence and physical mistakes.

That's why it's no surprise that Rush and Molloy are running a top quality item entirely anchored in the news that Tara Reid stinks. She stinks and apparently isn’t getting work on Scrubs again because she stank like yesterday’s booze filtered through human flesh. When you consider that a lot of her flesh has been fixed with plastic, that’s one hell of a filter to get through so that evaporating booze has got to be pretty rank. I bet Tara Reid gives off a lot of heat energy. If you stand near her she’d be this slouching, wavering, salivating blond with eyes half closed and a dumb ass smile and she’d radiate heat. The kind of heat you get off a pile of compost. Sure, it’s warm but it also smells like rotting flesh.

Not that many people actually stink SO badly that they lose out on work in Hollywood. I mean, not that we hear about. Even Britney doesn’t STINK. Well, she probably farts a lot based on her toxic as hell diet but she only does that in her car so the only people who really inhale Spears’ brand methane are her kids and those boys, at this stage, probably have the steadfastness of Navy Seals.

In short, Tara Reid probably gives off heat because of her stink and now it's costing her work she'd otherwise TOTALLY get and also Britney Spears’s kids are probably numb to human levels of sensual stimulus from being in a car with their farting mother. [source]

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