Monday, March 03, 2008

Wow, Britney Spears and Heidi Montag just released a song they recorded together and it's called "Dramatic". When did this happen and, actually, more importantly, HOW? How did this happen? When did they meet? Why did they meet? Why isn’t Montag considered a liability at least by Britney’s security team?

This is proof that you really don’t need to be present to record a song. I simply refuse to believe that Britney and Heidi Montag went to a studio together to record a song. I simply refuse to believe it.

Still, what a coup for Montag. She’s gone from being a wife on a rope, TV whore with no self esteem and a shockingly bad music video in her catalogue to being a wife on a rope, TV whore with no self esteem and a breathy and vapid duet with Mademoiselle Spears seemingly overnight. I honestly think the only way they got this to happen was by being ambulance chasers. Spencer and Heidi ran after Britney with a dictaphone and captured enough tiny soundbytes from her on tape and then they strung it out into a full length song. Pratt probably wrote the press release before the song was done. He had to print it out several times though because the paper kept tearing – what with all his saliva dripping all over it and all.

Spencer Pratt can finally afford to buy that dumb ass, full length fur coat, pimp’s fedora and cane so he can walk around showing everyone what a dedicated follower of fashion he is. [source]

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