Monday, January 14, 2008 currently have a live web cam set up so they can capture every single second of the anticipation that is saturating the pending court arrival of Britney Spears at her most recent custody hearing.

With previous stories that they’ve relentlessly obsessed over, like Paris Hilton being released from jail and then put back in and the Lohan DUI messes – they tend to post every 6-14 minutes or so, just to make sure readers get everything. With this they can just sit back and let the madness unfold and they can get every second of it on tape without running the writing staff ragged and that’s nice of them.
Plus, it’s safe to assume that at this point if the footage of her arriving isn’t a spectacular mess then the footage of her leaving without her children and even more legally obliged to finance her husband’s marijuana addiction should be of Norma Desmond proportions so it’s probably worth the extra bandwidth costs. [source]

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